Continue reading to learn how you can win this shirt.
Exemplifying this month's tag line:
Intrigue: What really went wrong with the gulf oil rig?
Treachery : “Our operations failed to meet our own standards and the requirements of the law,” BP said in 2007 before pledging to improve its “risk management.” (
Intrepid Teens: Young Olivia Bouler
Since the Gulf Coast oil disaster first broke, I've been mentally paralyzed. How could I post an installment on Bonnie Blogs Green when all I could see was black? My beloved gulf waters were poisoned, creatures by the thousands--members of every major animal class--were dying, good men had been killed in the disaster, and life for hundreds, maybe thousands, of people had been destroyed for a generation or more.
It didn't help the wall of depression when a book blogger wrote a review claiming that kids at her school would never pick up ISLAND STING, a book featuring an environmental club. How much of an adventure/mystery could that be?
Saving the environment? Not an adventurous mystery? On what planet?
Fast forward to a message from ISLAND STING readers who'd been inspired to start an environmental club at their school, then another and another of the same. And yesterday I received a letter from a reader stating, "I also love ISLAND STING because it really shows what a big environmental problem we have to deal with and how kids can help."
And now, in case there are more people like me whose tears have blinded them to any good news, I offer the story of young Olivia Bouler's amazing efforts to save Mother Earth. It just may be my favorite green tween story to date. After you enjoy the video interview, please visit Olivia's Facebook page: You can help no matter your age.
Thank you, Olivia. A wise person once said, "And a little child shall lead them."
I probably should end with an uplifting quote from one of ISLAND STING'S many positive reviews:
Much of the charm of this book is author Doerr's extensive research on the Keys and the deer, which she weaves seamlessly into an action-packed, engaging story. Any residents, visitors, or fans of the Florida Keys will be delighted by the setting, which is almost a character in itself. Doerr masters the "Green Teen" genre by mixing romance, suspense, and humor with current ecological issues. Her upcoming book, STAKEOUT, is sure to follow in this tradition.
In a final bit of good news, ISLAND STING has been chosen as Forsyth County, NC 's online middle school book club read for the month of September. Love it! Encouraging green teens one region at a time.
And now, a giveaway. YAY!!
In celebration of good book news, I'm giving away a class of 2k10 t-shirt (size L) from our debut middle grade and young adult author class trip to BEA (BookExpo America) in New York City. No worries--it's never been worn! Simply enter a comment below for your chance to win the shirt along with a 2k10 bookmark and postcard. Include in your comment the link to a this blog on your Facebook page or Twitter and earn a second chance to win. If no more than 20 comments are made following this post (because lots of folks are on vacation) the contest will roll over to next month. Remember, if you're the lucky winner, I'll have to email you, so if I can't click your comment to find you, please email your address to me. And if at first your comment doesn't post, click the word post a second time.
Remember you can always learn more about ISLAND STING and the Florida Keys at .