Proving that environmental stewardship is alive and well in the young adult book world (one of a gazillion things for which I'm thankful), I share my latest literary news.
Island Sting, received more accolades in recent weeks. First,I received notice that Island Sting is a finalist for an EPIC award from the Electronically Published Internet Coalition. Yes, it's on Kindle.
Second, Island Sting was recognized as one of 2010's Best Books with Crossover Charm by the Winston-Salem, Journal.

And of many kind reviews, the following cannot go unnoticed on BonnieBlogsGreen: Island Sting received a super review from members of the green book campaign.

Second, Island Sting was recognized as one of 2010's Best Books with Crossover Charm by the Winston-Salem, Journal.

And of many kind reviews, the following cannot go unnoticed on BonnieBlogsGreen: Island Sting received a super review from members of the green book campaign.
Now on to even better news in the green world.
I'm grateful there is a grassroots effort for sustainable manufacturing in my own state

When our November/December Farm Bureau magazine arrived I was thrilled to find inspiration for BonnieBlogsGreen. Inside was another addition to a long list of reasons to love North Carolina. I learned about a collaboration of farmers and manufacturers across the Carolinas dedicated to growing, manufacturing, and selling a quality product right here at home in the Carolinas.
Who isn't in favor of creating jobs while lessening our carbon footprint? Since most clothing sold in the USA is now manufactured in other countries, I had few ways to reduce my fashion footprint beyond shopping at resale shops. But now, I can buy at least one article of clothing produced from dirt to shirt here in North Carolina. Dirt to Shirt--a catchy green phrase that is part of the slogan on a Cotton of the Carolinas T-shirt.
Cotton of the Carolinas focuses on three main objectives:
- Support of Local Economies
- Low Transportation Footprint
- Complete Product Transparency
They make high quality T-shirts, too! You can even have your own design printed on a CoC shirt.
Take a quick tour CoC production and then visit their website for more green industry information;